0:59, 1:07 - Throws a jar and a huge spider pops out.
1:22 - Zombies stacks in 4 then drops on enemies. Possibly a rune effect on wall of zombies.
1:33 - Some sort of AoE involving Fetish Shamans, I have no idea what it is.
Wow, I am loving the WD more and more

Your Wall of Zombie runed idea is a possibility that I didn't consider tho.(adds it into his list.)
I just went through the video and listed things I notice, but since it is early in the morning for me I am mostly only going to note skills, and get back to it later, but if you guys want to have a look and point things out, then go ahead.
@ 46 The Barbarian uses Whirlwind, what is strange tho is that it has a black swirl in it that might be from a rune or from the item's own properties or maybe the base skill animation has been changed.
@ 1:04 The Witch Doctor summons a giant spider(probably Corpse's Spider runed) which emits a black mist, the spider itself doesn't seem to able to attack. The enemies that die also emitted some black mist when they died, so maybe a AoE damage spell or has something to do with when an enemy dies? Also note that the Mongrels are reddish-purple, more on this in the next note.
@ 1:13 The Witch Doctor summons some yellow frogs as the first zombie dies(which seems to confirm that the giant spider's black mist is a damage AoE, tho there is a strange sound I think that happens here.), causes a fiery explosion on the second zombie(tho this might be the frogs that might have summon right where the zombie was) before summoning his mongrels(all 3 at the same time, so the reddish-purple color indicates this rune? possibly as the next time we see the mongrels they are the normal greyish-white color.).
@ 1:25 The Witch Doctor summons some zombies that climb on top of each other before falling forwards. So Zombie Charger runed to deal direct damage? Or maybe Wall of Zombie runed?
@ 1:37 The Witch Doctor used Hex, I believe, as the wraith enemy becomes a hen for a short time. The greenish glowing area might be the spell range, also note that the ground around the fetish shaman glows for just a moment(into a rune? It happens so quick that I can't really tell.) when the wraith turns into a hen. Another thought that occurred to me is that this could be Big Bad Voodoo(at least the one in the middle of the glowing area) while the other fetish shaman is the that comes from Hex.
@ 2:02 The Wizard uses Teleport(which seems to have a different/quicker animation) before casting Slow Time, and all the enemies has within its AoE starts glowing a slight blueish color around their feet.(tho you could see Slow Time at 1:52 the glowish part within AoE isn't apparent until this moment.
@ 2:10 The Wizard uses Disintegrate, which the animation of the skill has been changed to two lasers(one out of each hand. Either base skill animation changed, or this is a rune which animation has been changed.)
@ 2:30(tho you could see the skill a moment after 2:10) The Wizard seems to use a rune version of Electrocute(or it is just a skill whose mechanics has changed.) as we can see that she can use the skill longer than just a moment like Disintegrate.
@ 2:45 The Demon Hunter uses Knight Nova that is purple and has a rune appear beneath her for a moment, a moment later she uses a rapid fire skill that has a blue color on the arrows/bolts. 5 seconds after that she uses another skill that has a shotgun sound and a bright orange color, maybe a short range high damage skill?.
@ 3:00 Nice blood nova death for a boss/unique monster.
@ 3:09 the Demon Hunter uses a skill that produces two large shurikens.
@ 3:15 The monsters close to the follower(Templar) starts having an orange glow beneath them and sets into the ground for a little while if they walk away(while a new one appears beneath them.)
@ 3:32 The Monk uses a new skill(long reach maybe?) before using what maybe a rune version of Exploding Palm(Tho there was no explosion it might be the rune or that he might of miss.) as it has the AoE 3rd stage look but has a greenish color, tho it might be that the base skill animation has changed, after that he uses a skill that produces a fiery tornado and causes knockback.
@ 3:47 The Monk uses what might be Sweeping Wind runed for fire damge while duel wielding.
@ 4:01 The Monk uses a skill that causes a burn mark on the ground and knocks back the goatmen(whatever they are called, I could never remember their names or spell or correctly.) This could be a new skill or it might be Lashing Tail Kick runed, which might be the case since the Monk did some sort of kicking action( or it is Lashing Tail Kick, but not runed. Another interesting note is that it uses the same sort of kicking action as 3:32 for the fiery tornadoes, so maybe they are just different rune versions fo the same skill?). A moment later the Monk uses one of his Auras(or Mantras as they are now called), not sure which one it is, or even if it is rune. Right after that the Monk uses Wave of Light which cases knockback, so the Bell is probably the base skill with the knockback coming from a rune.(The Blizz seems to love giving the Monk skills or runes that gives the Monk knockback.)
@ 4:12 The Monk uses what I am assuming is his mobility skill(which might be Dashing Strike) It doesn't seem to be a combo skill tho as the Monk had to use all three stages of Sweeping Wind instead of two(Tho you could say that the punch before using Sweeping Wind could of cancel the combo line up, it seems to me that it was part of the 'mobility' skill.). The Monk then uses Exploding Palm a little later that has a blueish color(but uses the same sound as at 3:32, confirming that the one at 3:32 is indeed Exploding Palm.) A Moment later there is a throwing sound and the ground beneath the cultist that the Monk is running to glows for a second, it also appears beneath another cultist a moment later.(I do not have a clue what this might be.)
@ 5:17 The Monk uses a skill that I believe is Blinding Flash there is a zombie that stops attacking you for a moment before it gets attacked(you could see this skill a 2 times before this but it was always against one enemy right before it is killed.). Whether it is rune or just a base skill animation change is unknown.
@ 6:01 The Demon Hunter uses a dark orange skill(could be seen for a slight moment 2 times before this.), it hits one enemy killing it before hitting another enemy which was standing off at an angle. I believe that this skill is the one mention in one of the reviews of the Press Event in which the skill homes in on an enemy and has a change to pierce it(tho they might have gotten it wrong and it only homes in on the next enemy if it kills the current one).
@ 6:13 The Demon Hunter makes a subtle shift(at least from our point of view) in stance while a red mark appears a onsters head at the same moment a unique sound rings. Thanks to Tenhi for pointing this out to me. We believe it is Marked for Death which seems to be a debuff of some sort. Maybe increase damage taken?
@ 6:50 The Demon Hunter uses Knife Nova, but it is red and has a red rune appearing beneath it this time. An interesting thing to note here is that it seems the gernades explodes the moment it touches the open chest.
@ Around the 7:17 mark I am pretty sure the Wizard is doing something(or one of the Wizard's skill is) that is unusual, but I am not seeing it. I am a bit sleepy so it might be my tired eyes playing tricks on me.|||Quote:
0:59, 1:07 - Throws a jar and a huge spider pops out.
1:22 - Zombies stacks in 4 then drops on enemies. Possibly a rune effect on wall of zombies.
1:33 - Some sort of AoE involving Fetish Shamans, I have no idea what it is.
Wow, I am loving the WD more and more

I'm thinking the Zombie Stack is a runed Zombie Charger.
The Spider jar is a runed Firebomb/Fire Skull/whatever they are calling it now (from the wiki).
Also, did you see the enemy turn into a chicken around 1:33? Awesome.|||Quote:
The Spider jar is a runed Firebomb/Fire Skull/whatever they are calling it now (from the wiki).
I don't think that is quite right. I checked the Wiki's source for that and all the devs said was :
One effect that�s been creeping me out lately is the ability to throw jars full of spiders.
Nothing in there says that it is a rune version of Firebomb, but it is a possibility, but I think there might be a higher chance that it would be a rune version of Corpse Spiders. To me it looks like he is throwing an urn, which some people use to hold the remains of the dead(like ancient Egypt, except with the ashes of the dead instead of removed organs.)|||Why is there so little of the witch doctor? It's like 3 quick scenes and that's it.|||I really need a new monitor. This one is so dark I can hardly see anything.
Why is there so little of the witch doctor? It's like 3 quick scenes and that's it.
Blizz seems to like a few classes and hates quite a few others.|||Quote:
I really need a new monitor. This one is so dark I can hardly see anything.
Blizz seems to like a few classes and hates quite a few others.
I think it's because they are saving the "best-looking skills" for release. Hence why we haven't seen any of the Sorc's AOE skills with stuff raining down from the sky. I bet the graphics on some are pretty crazy and they want that surprise for the game.
...and the WD has some pretty crazy ideas/graphics probably so they are keeping a lid on most of it.|||Quote:
Nothing in there says that it is a rune version of Firebomb, but it is a possibility, but I think there might be a higher chance that it would be a rune version of Corpse Spiders. To me it looks like he is throwing an urn, which some people use to hold the remains of the dead(like ancient Egypt, except with the ashes of the dead instead of removed organs.)
My bad. This is what I read from the firebomb wiki and though it was the same as the video. Unknown rune: Launches a jar full of spiders instead of a flaming skull The video has one huge spider, not a bunch of them.|||Yes, but they are always changing things. Look at the Wizard part and her Disintegration Ray, We already knew how it and all of its rune versions(from the runestones page that Blizzard gave us.) looked like, but this one has two lasers, one per hand. And she doesn't look like an energy being so I don't think the Wizard is in her Archon form that is said to change skills.|||Yeah, who knows. It's fun to speculate over all this stuff but we really won't know what we've got until the actual game comes out.
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