Friday, April 13, 2012

New Witch Doctor stuff from Blizzcon 2010

[:1]EDIT 2: Check out the Crafting Sanctuary Panel Videos for some amazing Witch Doctor armor/masks. It's all in part 3. Also, here are screenshots:





5 <-- This armor actualy moves in game! Highly recommended to check it out in the video.

EDIT 1: The source for this thread is mainly the "Gameplay Panel Video 4 of 4" (and "3 of 4" from the spirit walk skill). Beware - the quality is quite bad and the audio is horribly out of sync, which is part of why I created this thread. None the less, the awesomeness shines through, and I recommend watching part 4, so you can see the skill runes in effect! Links here.

Thought I'd put up a thread for discussion of the new WD awesomeness we're getting.

Spirit Walk. If I understand correctly, when you cast it, you turn in to an incorporeal spirit and can freely move around (even through monsters) while your physical body stays in place. When the spell ends, the physical body teleports to the place that the spirit is at that time.

This is a great mobility spell IMO, very in theme of the WD and probably fun to use. I wonder if your physical body takes damage while you're spirit walking. Also, turns out this is not a new skill, sorry for the misunderstanding. Still, it's cool.

Skil Rune Effects:

On Summon Zombie Dog (presumably):

This was just mentioned in passing in the gameplay panel video, so it is not certain which skill and completely unknown which rune, but the effect is: ZOMBIE BEARS! Yeah!

On Poison Dart:

Crimson rune - the dart turns red and flamy and does fire damage.

Golden rune - gives some sort of mana recovery.

Obsidian rune - slows enemies.

Indigo rune - rapid fire, the WD shoots the darts in very fast bursts.

Alabaster rune - the dart is a live snake, that attaches to the monster's face and stuns it.

On Plague of Toads:

Crimson rune - the toads are on fire, presumably dealing fire damage. The poison explosion upon impact turns into a fire explosion.

Golden rune - mana reduction for casting the skill --> more frogs. Seems to me like the frogs are more neon colored also.

Alabaster rune - the toads release a yellow gas upon exploding, which blinds monsters. The frogs are also yellow.

Indigo rune - "toad blizzard". The skill changes completely, into raining toads upon the heads of enemies, looks a little like a waterfall, able to hit 1-3 (?) enemies at a time.

Obsidian rune - GIANT TOAD! It catches monsters with its tongue, swiftly pulls them into its mouth, eats/digests them and then spits out the remains together with the loot. Pure awesome!

Opinions? Also, post stuff that I've overlooked. |||have they showed any footage of the giant toad or has it just been talked about?|||Sounds pretty nice. I'll hopefully have some time tomorrow to check out all the new videos.|||Quote:

have they showed any footage of the giant toad or has it just been talked about?

they showed it in the gamepanel videos|||Do check out the Crafting Sanctuary panel vids. They have the most amazing WD armor.|||Quote:

Do check out the Crafting Sanctuary panel vids. They have the most amazing WD armor.

Agreed. I was blown away by most of those masks.|||Good stuff, absolutely happy with the Witch Doctor. GREAT JOB Blizzard!!!|||Quote:

Do check out the Crafting Sanctuary panel vids. They have the most amazing WD armor.

Wow, thanks! I took screenshots of the different armors shown, going to update the OP too:






How cool is that armor that moves in game?

Also, I just found out that Spirit Walk was already a known skill, why would they present it as a new one? Guess I misunderstood the video. :S|||Quote:

I took screenshots of the different armors shown

Damn. There are an awful lot of cool high-end armors for the WD. I was afraid he was going to become a joke character, but this stuff looks amazing. A bit disappointed that it still leaves a lot of skin bare, but the look of it is simply stunning.|||Has the high priest of necromancer cult been convinced, then?



Check out the WD skills, I can guarantee you there will be a skill rune to set the Charger on FIAR! Anyone who disses on the WD now is officially lame.

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