Agreed. I was blown away by most of those masks.
Yes, those mask designs are awesome.

WD is a very close second to me behind DH and coincidence(?) also my second favorite armor behind the DH? of course we have not seen much of the Dh armor yet|||Comparing to the 2 armors that was within last two weeks it look's like they are from diffrent games.

those from blizzcon look's awsome|||witch doctor is beginning to look really witch doctory|||We also notice that in the gameplay video, the WD have some kind of "spectral" dogs.
In the arena the WD uses fire mongrels.|||Quote:
We also notice that in the gameplay video, the WD have some kind of "spectral" dogs.
In the arena the WD uses fire mongrels.
Skill runes, most likely...
This year's blizzcon did increase the chances of me actually using a WD|||I don't want to shameless bump on this old thread, but I just wanted to point out that Bash posted higher resolution pics of these blizzcon WD armor sets. Don't remember seeing any good image like these so I fel it was a good idea to post it out. And making a different thread would have been possibly inadequate.
It seems that the first one and the last one are Female armors (although the concept on the first is clearly for the male) I didn't notice that before.

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