Exploding Palm?!
he punches something and fire happens... big whoop. i honestly havent seen a single monk thing that makes me want to play it.|||Quote:
MikeG, I believe I addressed all the questions you pose in the first couple of posts from this thread, where I feel I emphatically expressed my opinion and backed up my ideas. Where did you do the same? It seems you have countered my passionate, well thought-out concepts/opinions with your own general counter-opinions of little explanation.
Also, are you really implying that the WD kicks *** for the skills that we HAVEN'T SEEN? I say he does not match up because from a lore perspective his power makes me yawn, the subject matter is not easily translated to make go BOOM, and I don't think it's been accomlished yet. From a graphic and function perspective, they're completely lacking any oomph; the newest skill to follow the WD holographic pass-through trend is the spider who killed many by just walking around.
Yeah, originality never meant anything without style.
Really? You don't understand how his powers might be something to fear from a lore perspective?

Please, Go read this: http://www.diablowiki.net/Writings_o...Entry_no._0013
Then, think about how he gets the material for the zombies and for the different spell that he uses and where exactly he gains his spirit moves from. I don't think that someone who sacrifices people in combat from other tribes and then uses them in powerful spirit magic is anyone you would want to @%$& with. Also I think the Female WD sums it up best in this quote: "It is a small being that dismisses things simply because they are different."|||Great posts at the beginning there.
Part of the blizzard design in their last games is a focus on 'readability' meaning that spell effects etc. shouldn't get lost/confusing even with a busy screen. You wrote that you thought some of the spells where good and I have a firm belief that you will be able to make a viable WD build without any of the comedy/over-the-top rune-effects/spells, although it might not be the complete min/max build.
I like the serious, creepy and fun, over the top aspects of the WD both and I think he/she will be a blast to play. For the, the most creepy/awesome aspect of the WD so far is the shaky hand of the male model as shown on the official blizzard WD page.
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