If the Barbarian is brute force, Wizard is magic, and Monk is holy speed. Then what is "Witch Doctor"? I see people say "necro" "voodoo guy" "dark magic" "alchemist" "summoner" "fire/poison magic" etc. It's confusing even thinking about his gameplay. Playing this guy is like playing a puzzle game @_@|||WD original concept? In warcraft universe you have plenty of them, whole troll's tribes are designed around it.
Blizzard didn't even tried to be original, they just copy/paste theme from their other universe.
By looking at WD playstyle i cannot stop thinking about druid from d2, there is lots similarieties between this two. Short range spells with pets for meatshield and support, gargantua will be probably like bear.|||For the guy saying that the "Monk" is the most original character I have to disagree with you. The "Monk", while very interesting, is simply the generic "Monk" class from other games (d&d, everquest, nethack, etc. etc. etc.) with a combo point system similar to the rogue from WoW.
Interesting, yes. Original, far from it.
The Witch Doctor, on the other hand, I have never seen in a game before and is definitely the most unique class. It is more of a Druid + Necromancer all in one class, than a "revamped Necro" like everybody else says. The Necro didn't have half the cool abilities the WD has. The Necro had curses, the WD does not (though he does have some similar crowd control skills). Similar, but different.
I'm fine with the "unoriginality" in the class design, though - just about every fantasy rpg just re-uses every other fantasy rpg's classes and (most of the time) races. Look at WoW, for instance - millions of people pay monthly (in ADDITION to the expansions + game cost) and none of the classes are original at all.. some original races, but seriously race in WoW matters not. It is quite rare these days when a company puts forth an interesting concept like the "Witch Doctor". Not only that, but the classes in d3 are all unique in their own way - they all have an interesting play style that is unmatched by even the characters in diablo 2 (at least from what I've seen in vids).
I base originality on 1) the lore, and 2) how the gameplay of the class ties into said lore. The Witch Doctor is quite unique in that aspect at least

Ignoring the 5th character, my first build will probably be a WD, though I may go for a Druid also.|||"theeliminator" the monk isn�t the most original character, because he was a playable class in the d1 hellfire expansion. I agree with "fromtheshadow", that the witch doctor is the most original class with the plagues, fear spell and zombie wall et cetera. It�s quite brilliant and actually reminded me of of some of the shaman monsters from the jungle-like kurast.|||Quote:
WD original concept? In warcraft universe you have plenty of them, whole troll's tribes are designed around it.
Blizzard didn't even tried to be original, they just copy/paste theme from their other universe.
Let's change it to a nice class from D2:
Paladins an original concept? In warcraft universe (warcraft II which came like 4 years before D2) you have plenty of them, and two of the main characters are designed around it.
Blizzard didn't even tried to be original, they just copy/paste theme from their other universe.|||Quote:
Paladins an original concept? In warcraft universe you have plenty of them, and two of the main characters are designed around it.
Blizzard didn't even tried to be original, they just copy/paste theme from their other universe.
True. But why reinvent the wheel everytime? Even JRR Tolkien "copy/pasted" stuff from mythology. And it was good.
I enjoy "staple-classes", even if they aren't very original. The just fit the fantasy setting so well you can't ommit them.|||It's almost impossible to make something 100% original, up to some point we'll most likely just be copying real life itself...|||Quote:
"theeliminator" the monk isn�t the most original character, because he was a playable class in the d1 hellfire expansion. I agree with "fromtheshadow", that the witch doctor is the most original class with the plagues, fear spell and zombie wall et cetera. It�s quite brilliant and actually reminded me of of some of the shaman monsters from the jungle-like kurast.
With all due respect, the Monk class in D1 Hellfire didn't have a combo skill system as far as I know. You're right that the concept of the Monk isn't original, but his playstyle is a little out of what I'm used to.
But feel free to correct me and use examples, as I've never played WoW (I also didn't play Hellfire, basing my observations merely on what I've read on the wiki and on forum comments).
Other than this, I'm not going to contest the claim that the Witch Doctor is the most original class, because frankly, I don't give a damn and I don't know enough to effectively discuss it in full.
I just look at the gameplay of each class and their looks to determine whether or not I like them; originality is just a small bonus if the gameplay happens to be ace.
The Witch Doctor works for me in terms of gameplay, so no complaints there (yet).
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