Better post would be to say the witch doctor is d3's only original character so far.
That being said, I do love the new look of the Barb and the Sorc (I mean Wizard) as well, and even though the characters themselves aren't totally new, this game looks like it's going to be awesome.|||maybe the only 'relatively' original char so far. skills just sound like more or less a rehash of d2's necromancer. shoulda gone with voodoo potion making skill tree or something more original like that since potions are going to be out in d3. exploding potions, buffing potions, debuffing potions, healing potions, etc. i think that woulda made the WD a lot more "WD".|||Quote:
maybe the only 'relatively' original char so far. skills just sound like more or less a rehash of d2's necromancer. shoulda gone with voodoo potion making skill tree or something more original like that since potions are going to be out in d3. exploding potions, buffing potions, debuffing potions, healing potions, etc. i think that woulda made the WD a lot more "WD".
I totally disagree with this. This is Voodoo, not alchemist. I don't find the idea of making potions attractive, in fact it sounds boring

I totally disagree with this. This is Voodoo, not alchemist. I don't find the idea of making potions attractive, in fact it sounds boring

the alchemy was just an example and IMO it's something that can be easily incorporated into the voodoo I mean 'cmon you haven't seen or heard of cinematics/references of voodoo shamans brewing potions to heal some curse or something of that nature, it totally fits into the voodoo scheme. sure it sounds boring without any idea of HOW to implement it in the game but that's not my job, I was just throwing out examples of out to gap the whole necromancer and WD link.|||Quote:
I agree with raveharu. Blizz idea of witch doctor is a master of dark arts and they wanted to him have a more 'dark' feeling that explains the change from totem spiders to corpse spiders.
it's dark enough granted that, I'm just saying that the WD (like in many other threads) just seems like necromancer 2.0 for better or worse. Since the OP is talking about originality, I didn't really see that as being "too" original. The WD does have the dark vibe though I'll give you that.|||Quote:
it's dark enough granted that, I'm just saying that the WD (like in many other threads) just seems like necromancer 2.0 for better or worse. Since the OP is talking about originality, I didn't really see that as being "too" original. The WD does have the dark vibe though I'll give you that.
It makes some sense that the WD is (arguably) like the necro at this point in development. Since a dark-themed, minion-and-curse-wielding character already exists in the world of Diablo, it makes sense for devs to use that character as a jumping-off point for the WD.
Kind of in the way that writers will imitate their favorite authors to help them find their own style, the devs are taking cues from the necro to help mold the WD in these early stages. Maybe they're having trouble finding exactly what makes the WD his own class, but given time I think they'll be able to work him out into a unique class.
I guess someone could argue that the WD should already be a fully realized class this late in development. My guess is that the devs are just having a tougher time than they expected in developing the WD, and even though we have his full skill tree I'm sure it's not beyond Blizzard to overhaul him if they need to. They're most definitely aware of people comparing the WD to the necro. I would imagine they're not particularly keen on these comparisons, and they'll do what they have to to end them (creeping death-squads that come get you in the night, if that's what it takes

HAVE FAITH YE WHO ARE IN DOUBT!! A FINISHED GAME IS NOT YET DELIVERED UNTO US!!|||I must say the Wizard looks pretty cools so far as does the WD. I actually can't wait to see what else is new. It's going to be a long wait for 2011 when they *think* the game *might* be going to be released.|||As it stands the WD is not the most original character. More and more he is looking like a necro, this might change later. For me, the Monk is the most original, at least in play style. Never before (in any Diablo game at least) has there been a character where if you press the same skill more than once do you get a different outcome. All the other classes play just like any other character in D2. Where they have to activate another skill to get a different effect, the Monk only has to press the same button to get something different.
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