But common people... ZOMBIE WALL!

Druid was an amazing class on its own. The Necromancer is a FAVORITE amongst everyone.
When you try to fuse them both together, you create EPIC FAIL.
What I'm seeing is a guy who can control undeath in a direct sort of way with animal summons. deleted lame.|||Man the Witch Doctor looked amazing to me. Looked better than the barb imo. Can't wait to play one.|||I agree to captaindingo. Don't you want the game to be fresh? Do you just want them to take the classes from old games? What if they only had the warrior, rogue and sorceror in d2? Would that be fun?
I like the witch doctor, and I don't want the necro to come back. I think the wd is a good replacement. It's more versatile and not so limited. And the wd probably CAN summon the undead. We've only seen a single summon and you think all his summons lok like mongrels? I think the animations were okay. Even locust swarm. It looked like bugs.
I'm a bit tired of necromancers. Even though it was my favorite class in d2, I still think it's just so stiff. There were no dramatic effects. Look at the bone spirit, the ultimate bone spell. Was that animation any good? I'm just glad the new one is fresh and all. I'm satisfied with the witch doctor.
The barbs animations were a tiny bit better yes, but the wd's animations were still awesome (especially horrify)|||Quote:
Don't you want the game to be fresh? Do you just want them to take the classes from old games?
They can bring back the same character with a completely new skill set. This is not repetitive. People love the necro, and he's a perfect character for the diablo series.
here were no dramatic effects. Look at the bone spirit, the ultimate bone spell. Was that animation any good?
Obviously if they were to bring back these spells they would improve the graphics.|||You could make a necromancer fresh.
Those dogs could be tiny skeletons that get bigger and bigger with every point.
You could combine a ton of points and summon a single undead dragon.
There's almost an endless list of things you could do that are fresh.
And you wouldn't be some voodoo junky in the back of a van.|||Of all the classes in D2, the necromancer was the most original in terms of gameplay. All the other classes were very run-of-the-mill in RPGs. Mage, Archer, Knight and Warrior. The necromancer had much more interesting tricks on his sleeve rather than raw damage.
He had manipulation, summons and could dish out great damage. Barbarians on the other hand were a chore to play until you get WW. In the class design chat they said how a skill that passivally ads +2 ou +3% crit chance was too boring. Which was pretty much what the D2 barb was, full of passives, boring one hit attacks. Hell... even the shouts are pretty much passive effects that have to be applied again and again. Only WW was the thing that stood out from him. I never liked the barb because I dont like rushing, and playing through lv 1 to 29 untwiked was amazingly boring.
If the barb, the most item depentent, full of boring passives class and very few fun skills was updated to the D3 barb, which gameplay is now beautiful to behold, full of action, movements, leaps, strong and cool attacks, etc... I cant see how the necromancer himself couldnt get his own update. Of all classes he was the one who really stand out in terms of being diferent.
And no, the WD isnt the update, some of the necro's concepts were transfered to the WD, but he isnt the necromancer. I dont think its cool to receive the WD so badly, maybe I will like him but I cant see why the most original and diferent character was axed and returning only with a fraction of its former concept.|||That's what I'm getting at. It looks as though the WD is a fusion of Druid and Necro.
They ****ed up with the Mongrel. Last thing I'd want to see is some summoned wolf attacking over my zombie wall.
Screw the WD. You want to make a new class, great. But if so, then make something entirely new, don't go slicing perfectly good classes from D2 in half and mixing them together like it's going to be okay.
I'm waiting for them to do something uber lame with the WD like have one of its summons be something like Void Walker or a pack of snakes.
Necromancers are the masters of the undead. Essentially, a voodoo priest covered in a grass skirt can't measure up to the same kind of undead mastery as the Necro. So how about keep the WD and take all the Necro related stuff out of it.
I'd rather see a WD with the ability to manipulate crowds with voodoo dolls, a mastery of alchemy, and plagues. Now that would be sweet.
But all it looks like so far is a fire mage, with limited undead skills, and a huge focus on nature related plagues. He's the /b/stard child of the love triangle known as sorc, necro, and druid and his junk looks to be properly cut off.|||I'm amazed at how upset people are getting over this. It's clear that the Witch Doctor is not done yet. From what I saw, those spells were more than likely early game skills. I really do not see them being end-game, so right now we basically got a taste of what the guy will be.
Everyone that has a problem with it can do one of two things:
1) Make your own game.
2) Don't buy Diablo III.
If you're not willing to do either of those, then wait until you actually get a chance to try the character before you have a hissy fit over it.|||Quote:
If you're not willing to do either of those, then wait until you actually get a chance to try the character before you have a hissy fit over it.
The problem is that the WD came in a bad position, he came replacing the necro which is a big favourite of the community, if he was in his own position, not replacing anyone, he would be much more warmly received but the way he was introduced was just bad for the class itself.
It just left a bitter taste that such a bland class as the barbarian was brought back from D2 and got beatifully updated. Not only bought back, he basically IS the barb! He even got older from the 20 year hiatus. Lore-wise and class-wise he is there.
If we saw 2 completely new classes I think we would all move on, but if the barb was back why not the necromancer?
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