Lets be realistic here. WD might not be a replacement but the necromancer WAS removed. The WD has many themes and concepts from the necromancer so... if a necro, similar to the D2 was used, it would have some similiarities with the WD which is certainly not what Blizzard wants as I am sure they want to have every class to have diferent styles.
dead on. Also, for people scared I would say the WD will resemble the necro much more than, say, the WoW shaman. The concept art and character design, although it does feature some "voodoo" type gear, looks fare more in the necro "undead" style than a forest or jungle motif|||While the Necro might have been cool, this is an entirely new game. Dont expect to see and get the same classes.
I for one is excited to see this new iteration of a dark magician that is NOT an archetype that has been done to death in so many games.
Besides, it doesnt suprise me that the necromancer took the hit. Because having an army of undead to fight for you, dramatically throws balance out of the window. Just look at Guild Wars where the necromancer's minionmaster side took hard and severe hits to keep their power in check, but they are still one of the most potent builds that lets you snooze your way through the game because you can even out the number difference between foes and your party.|||I wonder how do they solve armor issue for this WD dude. AFAIK, those tribal guys wear only fancy masks and some bone amulets, bracers and tatoos.
I would like a Necro with cool Elite Unique Bone Armor. You know: skull like helmet with smoldering eyes, exoskeleton style etc. Check out "Corruptor Raiment" and "Malefic Raiment" from WOW to see what I have in mind.
WD is not a valid Necro replacement for me. Having to chose now, I would pick Barb hands down.
Basically, I want a class, which is more hellish, wicked and badass than DIABLO HIMSELF!

How cool is to fight Diablo minions with... you own demons summoned from Hell? It's like constantly kicking Big D in the *** saying: "dude your demon kung fu <<< my demon kung fu".|||If the necromancer does get taken off the witch doctor at a high level will most likely be able to summon just as many creatures as the necromancer was able to in D2. Thats just my opinion though.|||No chance they allow the number of summons they did in D2.
My fear is that it won't be hard enough if you can live without potions and heal between battles.|||Hideo, you seemed to have forgotten a section on the poll which you probably turned into the "who cares" part. You should have added "Hell no, I don't want anymore d2 characters back in d3".
The games looks very d2ish already especially with the barb jumping around. I want all the d2 chrs dead and burried.
Now I admit, the necro was extremely original in d2 not falling into the previous fighter/mage/archer molds. Soooo...if they can be that original, I'm sure they can come up with some new classes that will invent new molds.
Are you all SURE you don't want d2.5 or a d2 patch? How about another d2 expansion?|||Quote:
Are you all SURE you don't want d2.5 or a d2 patch? How about another d2 expansion?
I know that I want 3D D3 with reworked Necromancer class, just like they did it with Barbarian. If Necromancer was so unique and fitted Diablo style so well, it should be in D3 too.
I don't give a damn about originality, since I played THOUSANDS of PC games for about 15 years and noticed certain pattern: fun has NO relationship with superficial originality AT ALL. It's all in execution. It's perfectly possible to make very original new Necromancer without replacing it with a theme of voodoo magic.
When people say: "OMG Barb again... SO boring!" I laugh. From the very first gameplay video it's apparent that Barb is going to be something COMPLETELY different than it used to be.|||It will be really shame if they finally drop Necro as it seems possible accounting the current facts.
IMHO Necromancer was one of THE most unique character concepts ever created not only in the diablo universe but as well at other RPG game themes. It is already a cult figure in D2 with his summons/minions play style and his dark curses and spells.
So lets add our voices and who knows maybe at last it is in the hands the fans to keep the skinny pale pal alive in yet another installment of the game!|||So... I answer the poll and start reading the opening post. To my surprise it is about a theory that the American goverment was behind 9/11. I think "what the hell?", and then I see all the other posts discussing the same thing! Then I remember that this forum throws you to a random thread when you answer a poll.

Anyway, a poll was a good idea, even though I learned that I belong to the minority.|||Quote:
The necromancer in d2 only had 1 good build (summoner) and really it's pretty boring just standing around watching skeletons kill everything for you -- the witchdoctor looks much more interesting, using poisons and mindcontrol for crowd control.
Welcome to the 3 skill trees of the Diablo II necromancer: summoning, poisen and bone, and curses.
I think we should listen to everything this guy has to say.

As a huge necromancer fan in D2, I have to say I wouldn't mind at all a completely new, re-worked, fantastic necromancer.
On the other hand...after watching the gameplay videos I have to say the concept of a witch doctor sounds pretty interesting. It might just be my personal opinion but I'd love to play as a witch doctor. In my eyes it seems the spiritual successor of the DII necromancer.
The only real issue I do see with this, however, is the effect on the Diablo II lore. The necromancer is a vital part of the lore in the Diablo universe. I couldn't see Blizzard just throwing him away and replacing him with the shiny new witch doctor. Either they'll include both the necromancer AND the witch doctor (unlikely), or necromancers will still be in the game as NPCs and such, just not as playable characters.
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