Friday, April 13, 2012

Necromancer in D3 Poll

[:1]Let's check Necromancer's popularity among fans of the game!|||

There's only going to be 5 classes and there's already a necro-like character, the witchdoctor

The necromancer in d2 only had 1 good build (summoner) and really it's pretty boring just standing around watching skeletons kill everything for you -- the witchdoctor looks much more interesting, using poisons and mindcontrol for crowd control.

I'd rather Blizzard came up with some original ideas instead of remaking the same exact things from D2 (though they're great, why would I pay 50$ for a replica with some better graphics?)|||I've seen it mentioned in a few places that the witchdoctor is not a replacement for the necro. I haven't found a blizzard source on that yet however, but I really hope its true. The necromancer is one of the best characters in Diablo 2, and the witchdoctor just doesn't cut it IMO.

It is a nice way for them to stir up talk about the game though. |||Of course, they can always add more characters in an expansion|||No idea - since I haven't played D3, I have no idea how fun the witch doctor will or won't be.|||I'd say it's a good guess they'll have a necromancer character in the expansion.|||Well me just copy-past my thoughts from the other thread:

Of all the classes in D2, the necromancer was the most original in terms of gameplay. All the other classes were very run-of-the-mill in RPGs. Mage, Archer, Knight and Warrior. The necromancer had much more interesting tricks on his sleeve rather than raw damage.

He had manipulation, summons and could dish out great damage. Barbarians on the other hand were a chore to play until you get WW. In the class design chat they said how a skill that passivally ads +2 ou +3% crit chance was too boring. Which was pretty much what the D2 barb was, full of passives, boring one hit attacks. Hell... even the shouts are pretty much passive effects that have to be applied again and again. Only WW was the thing that stood out from him. I never liked the barb because I dont like rushing, and playing through lv 1 to 29 untwiked was amazingly boring.

If the barb, the most item depentent, full of boring passives class and very few fun skills was updated to the D3 barb, which gameplay is now beautiful to behold, full of action, movements, leaps, strong and cool attacks, etc... I cant see how the necromancer himself couldnt get his own update. Of all classes he was the one who really stand out in terms of being diferent.

And no, the WD isnt the update, some of the necro's concepts were transfered to the WD, but he isnt the necromancer. I dont think its cool to receive the WD so badly, maybe I will like him but I cant see why the most original and diferent character was axed and returning only with a fraction of its former concept.|||Quote:

There's only going to be 5 classes and there's already a necro-like character, the witchdoctor

I agree with this, but...


The necromancer in d2 only had 1 good build (summoner) and really it's pretty boring just standing around watching skeletons kill everything for you

Completely disagree with this.|||Quote:

I agree with this

Except that someone from Blizzard already said that the WD isn't a replacement for the Necro... Now that doesn't mean the Necro is in there, but the WD isn't a replacement - so it's a possibility they're in there.|||Quote:

Except that someone from Blizzard already said that the WD isn't a replacement for the Necro... Now that doesn't mean the Necro is in there, but the WD isn't a replacement - so it's a possibility they're in there.

Lets be realistic here. WD might not be a replacement but the necromancer WAS removed. The WD has many themes and concepts from the necromancer so... if a necro, similar to the D2 was used, it would have some similiarities with the WD which is certainly not what Blizzard wants as I am sure they want to have every class to have diferent styles.

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