Friday, April 13, 2012

Necromancer in D3 Poll - Page 3


Welcome to the 3 skill trees of the Diablo II necromancer: summoning, poisen and bone, and curses.

I think we should listen to everything this guy has to say.

As a huge necromancer fan in D2, I have to say I wouldn't mind at all a completely new, re-worked, fantastic necromancer.

On the other hand...after watching the gameplay videos I have to say the concept of a witch doctor sounds pretty interesting. It might just be my personal opinion but I'd love to play as a witch doctor. In my eyes it seems the spiritual successor of the DII necromancer.

The only real issue I do see with this, however, is the effect on the Diablo II lore. The necromancer is a vital part of the lore in the Diablo universe. I couldn't see Blizzard just throwing him away and replacing him with the shiny new witch doctor. Either they'll include both the necromancer AND the witch doctor (unlikely), or necromancers will still be in the game as NPCs and such, just not as playable characters.

Given the official info on Skeleton warriors and armies, I think it is a strong hint that the necromantic orders have succumbed to the forces of the burning hell.|||Quote:

Given the official info on Skeleton warriors and armies, I think it is a strong hint that the necromantic orders have succumbed to the forces of the burning hell.

Actually...if you're familiar with Diablo lore, the necromancers are part of an order that serves Balance between both good and evil. The first necromancer (Rathma) was taught by the dragon Trag'Oul (the set named after him in DII is a typo, i'm told).

You know though, if good had too much of an advantage over evil, the necromancers might have to do 'bad' things to help restore the balance. However, in Sanctuary, it seems evil is always prevalent over good, so necromancers never have to swing the opposite way (no humor intended).|||did anyone mention that they haven't released the other characters, and we aren't even in alpha stage?|||I voted for witch doctor, I don't want to play the same 5 classes again. I think it was a mistake for the Barb to come back, because now all the necro fans want a necro and If blizzard gives them a necro all the zon fans will want a zon ....

This leads to Diablo II with updated graphics. I have Diablo II, I want D3|||Quote:

I voted for witch doctor, I don't want to play the same 5 classes again. I think it was a mistake for the Barb to come back, because now all the necro fans want a necro and If blizzard gives them a necro all the zon fans will want a zon ....

This leads to Diablo II with updated graphics. I have Diablo II, I want D3

Thats the truth of it. I dont think blizzard had entirely thought it through by returning the Barbarian. That just makes the other class lovers envious.|||Quote:

I voted for witch doctor, I don't want to play the same 5 classes again. I think it was a mistake for the Barb to come back, because now all the necro fans want a necro and If blizzard gives them a necro all the zon fans will want a zon ....

This leads to Diablo II with updated graphics. I have Diablo II, I want D3

100% agree. All it does is say: Hey, you die-hard fans of D2! Yes, the ones that found it fun to play for a decade, hey, um, oh **** You! hahah!

heres the barb though, back in action and better!

you MUST now like the stupid mock voodoo native guy. I hated them in the jungle in the game, now I have to be one? They looked retarded back in d2 and I Loved to kill them brutally. Now I can be one!

GI JOOOOEE!!! |||If we sit down and think about it, the concept is still the same. Why are we fretting over a name change?

Poison skills -> Disease

Skeletons -> Minions

Curses -> That.. warcry/terror whatever it was.

"100% agree. All it does is say: Hey, you die-hard fans of D2! Yes, the ones that found it fun to play for a decade, hey, um, oh **** You! hahah!"

If it makes you feel better, the witch-doctor feels like a necromancer with a facelift, a facelift noteworthy enough of meriting a name change.|||Quote:

If we sit down and think about it, the concept is still the same. Why are we fretting over a name change?

Poison skills -> Disease

Skeletons -> Minions

Curses -> That.. warcry/terror whatever it was.

"100% agree. All it does is say: Hey, you die-hard fans of D2! Yes, the ones that found it fun to play for a decade, hey, um, oh **** You! hahah!"

If it makes you feel better, the witch-doctor feels like a necromancer with a facelift, a facelift noteworthy enough of meriting a name change.

QFT. The witch doctor is a more creative and reimagined version of the necro that makes me want to play Diablo3 because its a NEW and interesting looking class. Trust blizzard to come up with a original dark spellcaster class instead of reusing a now rather tired old archetype from western fantasy. The Necromancer had his time in the sun in Diablo2 and was popular for a decade because of D2.

And great to see people is picking up on it, the WD is pulling ahead in the poll.|||people who never played necros are voting. if this was a necro forum on dii and there was somewhere else non necro players could go, WD would be laughing stock.|||your word against everyone else's..

I played the necro in d2 and can't wait to get rid of him

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