He seems to have some of the most comical runed skills available. Giant frogs, a blizzard of frogs, snakes on an enemy's face? Zombie bears!?
The only only character I have seen with anything as surprising and humorous might be the Barbarian with his Corpse Throw ability.
I think for people who are thinking of creating a character with a lot of jokes and a really odd skillset, the WD is definitely the jester of the group. This appeals a lot to me.
I like to be unique. I also like to make a lot of jokes while I play, so I think my character should be a reflection of that.|||I think I'll make the witch doctor my 2nd character to make. Hey zombie bears and snakes on yer face sounds like hella fun to me.

So I wondered for a while what the difference was between them that totally made them separate as classes. And I think it is that the Wizard has a lot more spatial control over her attacks. The Witch Doctor's casting will be more like making a soup - a bit of Mass Confusion here, some more Mongrels, etc.
Oversimplification, probably, but to sum it up:
Wizard: Where/how should I cast this spell?
Witch Doctor: Which spell should I cast next?
Thinking about classes in this way and getting a grip on their core concepts makes me a lot more excited about them.|||I usually lean towards a mage when I play games and in D3, I'll try something a bit different but still fairly familiar to me. A witch doctor is unique compared to other games and it's also interesting.|||Myself ive been wavering between the Wizard and Witch Doctor for first character, as I prefer ranged spellcasters in game.
But after looking over their skills and seeing just how unique the WD is, im definitely leaning towards him. The WD a rather fresh character concept that you really haven't seen explored much in games as playable for the players. Plus all his spells is far from classic gaming staples youve seen before. Out of all the D3 classes, the Witch Doctor is clearly were Blizzard have been doing most of their innovation in his design. In particular because the class concept have little bagage in expectations, allowing them to go more wild and crazy in designing what he can do.
You expect an eastern monk to be good at hand to hand fistfighting and having moves around it.
You expect a wizard to control the elements and fling powerful spells like fireballs and teleporting around.
You expect a barbarian to swing powerful weapons about and heave foes into steaming gibblets.
But the witch doctor is definitely far more untried territory, and so far the control and dot aspects is quite appealing as they invite skillful play to set off everything you can do to keep foes melting into goop, while holding them locked down.|||Going to miss the necromancer, but witch doctor seems interesting.|||I like it because it seems a lot like the Hunter from WoW, except with cooler pets! You can kinda just let them take the punishment while you deal the pain.|||Anything that resembles a Necro gets my vote... Though I'd prefer if we still had Necros in
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