I was initially drawn to him because he's a fresh take on the necro, whereas the wizard and barb feel more like blatant rehashes of existing classes.
As far as skills go, I think sacrifice + mongrel combo looks like a lot of fun. I also dig the plague abilities he has. It looks like plague of locusts can be a killer crowd control ability given that it jumps from one enemy to another. Even his flame skull ability looks like it can do some crazy damage when runed. I'm not too crazy about his curses, they seem too much in line with the necro for my taste.
I will definitely be keeping a close eye on him. If he's able to generate crazy damage (unlike the necro, where it was very much slow-going), then he'll be my second class I test out.|||the Witch Doc will probably be my first character.
The main reason I really want to play him is because the nec was my favorite class from D2 and I like the playstyle of minion control and AI spells like fear.
I also like him because he looks the most interesting and like like the spells better than the other classes. Like firebats for example just sound awesome imo.|||Definatly going to be my first character. I just love pet classes, that's why Necromancer is my favorite D2 class. Also I really like the almost all of the spells i've seen, it's going to be really hard to choose a build, heh.|||When it comes to MMO's or RPGs, I always play a pet class or a healer. The Witch Doctor seems to the most solid pet class and it has "doctor" in the name, so that is kinda like a healer...right? The very untraditional spells also greatly appeal to me.
-Gerahben|||My first choice will likely be the DH, as I've always been a fan of the ranged/sniper archetype.
But after I'm done that, Witch Doctor will definitely be my 2nd pick, I just like his play style as well, hide back behind the pets to by a little time to cast his spells, like firebomb, and when the pets have served their use, make em explode to deal a ton of damage. I also like that he can infect his pets with his own spells to make them deal additional damage, that seemed pretty neat. And all in all, i just love the theme of his skills.|||For me its the theme and the style. Trolls are my favorite WoW race so I love the whole "voodoo hoodoo" style that they and the witch doctor have. I'm also really intrigued on the skills most of them look really fun, especially the plague of toads. Giant toad to devour enemies?

Throwing jugs full of flaming ghosts at people, covering them in ghost-vomit, commanding armies of maniacal knife-wielding pygmies, summoning giant toads and raising malformed corpse soldiers then blowing them up when they latch on to someone is, in my opinion, light years ahead of anything the other classes have to offer, creatively at least. That's not to say I don't think the other classes are cool. They are, some of them very much so; the Witch Doctor just has more panache.
Also, he makes funny noises and wears a giant tiki mask. I don't know how anyone could top that.|||Unique play style and abilities.
Yes the WD has won me over! (used to like the DH, but will play it nevertheless

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